Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 8 linear appliCaTionS 261


  1. A businessman invested $50,000 into two funds which yielded profits
    of 1621 % and 18%. If the total profit was $8520, how much was invested
    in each fund?

  2. A college student deposited $3500 into two savings accounts, one with
    an annual yield of 434 % and the other with an annual yield of 514 %. If he
    earned $171.75 total interest the first year, how much was deposited in
    each account?

  3. A banker plans to lend $48,000 at a simple interest rate of 16% and the
    remainder at 19%. How should she allot the loans in order to obtain a
    return of 1812 %?


  1. Let x represent the amount invested at 1612 %. Then 50,000 − x repre-
    sents the amount invested at 18%. The profit from the^1612 % account is
    0.165x, and the profit from the 18% investment is 0.18(50,000 − x). The
    sum of the profits is $8520.

0 165 01850000 8520
0 165 9000 0 180 85

..(, )


+− = 220
0 015 9000 8520
9000 9000
0 015 480


= −





0 015
32 000


x ,

The amount invested at 1621 % is $32,000, and the amount invested at
18% is 50,000 − x = 50,000 − 32,000 = $18,000.


  1. A businessman invested $50,000 into two funds which yielded profits

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