Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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  1. x ≥ 5 [5, Ç)

  2. x < 1 (–Ç, 1)

  3. x ≤ 4 (–Ç, 4]

  4. x ≥ –10 [–10, Ç)

  5. x ≤ –2 (Ç, –2]

  6. x > 9 (9, Ç)

  7. x < –8 (–Ç, –8)

  8. x > ^1


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Applied Problems

We use linear inequalities to solve applied problems in much the same way that
we used linear equations to solve problems. There are two important differ-
ences, though. Multiplying and dividing both sides of an inequality requires that
the sign reverse. We must also decide which inequality sign to use: <, >, <, and >.
Tables 9-2 and 9-3 should help.

A < B A > B
A is less than B A is greater than B
A is smaller than B A is larger than B
B is greater than A B is less than A
B is larger than A A is more than B

A ≤ B B ≤ A
A is less than or equal to B B is less than or equal to A
A is not more than B B is not more than A
B is at least A A is at least B
B is A or more A is B or more
A is no greater than B B is no greater than A
B is no less than A A is no less than B
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