Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 9 linear inequaliTieS 325

  1. A company providing cell phone service has two plans. The monthly
    charge on one plan is $75 with unlimited talk and Web access. The
    monthly charge for the other plan is $15 plus 20 cents per minute of
    talk and web access. How much time per month would a customer
    need to use the phone for talk and web access so that the unlimited
    plan is less expensive than the other plan?

  2. Sharon can purchase a pair of ice skates for $60. It costs her $3 to rent a pair
    each time she goes to the rink. How many times would she need to use the
    skates to make purchasing them more attractive than buying them?

  3. The James family has $210 budgeted each month for electricity. They have
    a monthly base charge of $28 plus 7 cents per kilowatt-hour. How many
    kilowatt-hours can they use each month to stay within their budget?

  4. A warehouse store charges an annual fee of $40 to shop there. A shop-
    per without paying this fee can still shop there if he pays a 5% buyer’s
    premium on his purchases. How much would a shopper need to spend
    at the store to make paying the annual $40 fee cost no more than pay-
    ing the 5% buyer’s premium?

  5. A sales clerk at an electronics store is given the option for her salary to
    be changed from a straight annual salary of $25,000 to an annual base
    salary of $15,000 plus an 8% commission on sales. What would her
    annual sales level need to be in order for this option to be at least as
    attractive as the straight salary option?


  1. Let x = amount invested in the corporate bond
    500,000 – x = amount invested in the treasury bond
    0.08x = annual interest from the corporate bond
    0.0525(500,000 – x) = annual interest from the treasury bond
    Corporate bond interest + Treasury bond interest ≥ 30,000

0080 0525 500 000 30 000

. .(, )  ,
. ,


+  –  ≥ 
+  2250 0 0525 30 000
26 250 26 250
0 0275

 .  ,

–  ≥ 




  • 33750
    0 0275
    136 363 64



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