Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

346 algebra De mystif ieD

  1. The chair of a scholarship committee needs to decide how to invest a $200,000
    gift to his college. This year, he expects a bond mutual fund to pay 5% and a
    stock mutual fund to pay 721 %. The committee must fund scholarships totaling
    $13,000 with this gift. How much can be invested in the bond fund and still have
    enough to fund the scholarships?
    a. at least $120,000
    b. at most $120,000
    C. at most $80,000
    D. at least $80,000

  2. The interval notation for the inequality –≤ 17    <x is
    a. (,- 17  ]
    b. (,- 17  )
    C. [,- 17  )
    D. [,- 17  ]

  3. The inequality -44  ≤  ≤ x is represented by






FIgure 9-23

  1. The interval notation for the inequality 32  <  < x – is
    a. (, 32 - )
    b. (,- 23 )
    C. 32 <<-x is not an interval of numbers.

  2. The solution to 65   <  x+  ≤  11  6 is
    a. [, 13 )
    b. (, 13 ]
    C. (, 13 )
    D. [, 13 ]

  3. The interval notation for x >  100 is
    a. (,-∞ ) 100
    b. (, 100  )-∞
    C. (, 100  )∞
    D. (,∞ ) 100

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