Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

chapter 11 Quadratic Applications

Now that we can solve a larger family of equations, we can solve a larger family
of applied problems. In addition to the problem types that we worked in
Chapter 8, we will solve distance problems involving cars/runners/etc. that are
traveling in paths at right angles to each other; problems involving the height
of a falling object; and revenue problems. We will learn a formula that predicts
the height of a falling object t seconds after it is released. The revenue problem
involves a price that is changing. We know something about how the change in
a price causes a change in sales and are asked what price to charge to bring in
some specified revenue. As we did in Chapter 8, we begin with number sense


In this chapter, you will

  • Solve number sense problems with quadratic equations

  • Solve revenue problems with quadratic equations

  • Solve falling object problems

  • Solve distance, work, and geometry problems with quadratic equations

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