Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 11 QuaDraTiC appliCaTionS 393

  1. A grocery store sells 4000 gallons of milk per week when the price is
    $2.80 per gallon. Customer research indicates that for each $0.10
    decrease in the price, 200 more gallons of milk will be sold.
    P = __
    Q = __ R = __

  2. A movie theater’s concession stand sells an average of 500 buckets of
    popcorn each weekend when the price is $4 per bucket. The manager
    knows from experience that for every $0.05 decrease in the price, 20
    more buckets of popcorn will be sold each weekend.
    P = __
    Q = __ R = __

  3. An automobile repair shop performs 40 oil changes per day when the
    price is $30. Industry research indicates that the shop will lose 5 cus-
    tomers for each $2 increase in the price.
    P = __
    Q = __ R = __

  4. A fast food restaurant sells an average of 250 orders of onion rings each
    week when the price is $1.50 per order. The manager believes that for
    each $0.05 decrease in the price, 10 more orders will be sold.
    P = __
    Q = __ R = __

  5. A shoe store sells a certain athletic shoe for $40 per pair. The store aver-
    ages sales of 80 pairs each week. The store owner’s past experience
    leads him to believe that for each $2 increase in the price of the shoe,
    one less pair would be sold each week.
    P = __
    Q = __ R = __


  1. Px Qx

=+ =−
=+ −

400 25 50 2
() 400 25 () 50 2

  1. PxQx

=− =+
=− +

280010 4000 200
280010 4000 200

(. .)())

  1. Px Qx

=− =+
=− +

4005 500 20
4005 500 20

(.)( )

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