Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

450 algebra De mystif ieD

  1. Marco drove 210 miles to be a best man at his friend’s wedding. The drive there
    and back took a total of 6 hours 25 minutes. On the way back, he faced traffic
    and averaged 12 mph slower than the trip to the wedding. What was Marco’s
    average speed on the return trip?
    a. 60 mph
    b. 62 mph
    C. 64 mph
    D. 66 mph

  2. A campus sorority sells school shirts at all home basketball games. At $20 per
    shirt, they average 80 shirts per game. According to a research project con-
    ducted by a marketing class, they will sell 10 more shirts for each $1 decrease in
    the price. What price should they charge so that their average revenue per game
    is $1960?
    a. $14
    b. $15
    C. $16
    D. $18

  3. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 37 meters. The base is 23 meters longer
    than its height. What is the height of the triangle?
    a. 12 m
    b. 15 m
    C. 18 m
    D. 20 m

  4. An object is tossed upward from the ground at the rate of 48 feet per second.
    After how long will the object be 10 feet off the ground?
    a. about 0.20 and 2.80 seconds.
    b. about 0.35 and 2.65 seconds.
    C. about 0.23 and 2.77 seconds.
    D. The object will never reach a height of 10 feet.

  5. A small motorboat traveled downstream for 8 miles and then turned around and
    traveled back upstream for 8 miles. The total trip took 3 hours. If the stream’s rate
    is 2 mph, how fast would the motorboat have traveled in still water?
    a. 3 mph
    b. 4 mph
    C. 5 mph
    D. 6 mph

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