1001 Algebra Problems.PDF

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

137.Suppose that a desk costs D dollars, a chair
costs E dollars, and a file cabinet costs Fdollars.
If an office needs to purchase xdesks,ychairs,
and zfile cabinets, which of the following
expressions can be used to calculate the total
cost T?
a.xF + yE+ zD
b.xE+ yD+ zF
c.xD+ yE+ zF
d.xF+ yD+zD

138.The value ofdis increased by 50%, and then
the resulting quantity is decreased by 50%.
How does the resulting quantity compare to d?
a.It is 25% smaller than d.
b.It is 25% larger than d.
c.It is 50% smaller than d.
d.It is 50% larger than d.
e.It is the same as d.

139.There are mmonths in a year,wweeks in a
month, and ddays in a week. Which of the
following expressions represents the number
of days in a year?
b.m+ w+ d
d.d+ wd

140.If 40% ofjis equal to 50% ofk, then jis
a.10% larger than k.
b.15% larger than k.
c.20% larger than k.
d.25% larger than k.
e.80% larger than k.

141.Ifqis decreased by ppercent, then the resulting
quantity is represented by which of the follow-
ing expressions?
a.q – p
b.q–  1 p 00 
c.– 1 p 0 q 0
d.q–  1 p 0 q 0
e.pq–  1 p 0 q 0

142.Two brothers decide to divide the entire cost of
taking their father out to dinner evenly between
the two of them. If the three meals cost a,b,
and cdollars, and a 15% tip will be added in for
the waiter, which of the following equations
represents how much each brother will spend?
a.0.15(a+ b+ c) 2
d.both band c

143.If the enrollment Eat a shaolin kung fu school
is increased by 75%, which of the following
expressions represents the new enrollment?
b.E– 0.75E
c.^34 E
d.E+ ^34 E

144.Mary gets a 15% discount on all orders that
she places at the copy store. If her orders cost W
dollars,Xdollars,Ydollars, and Z dollars
before the discount is applied, which of the fol-
lowing expressions represents how much it will
cost her after the discount is deducted from her
a.0.85(W+ X+Y+Z)
b.0.15(W+ X+ Y+Z)
c.(W+ X+ Y+ Z) + 0.15(W+ X+ Y+ Z)
d.(W+ X+ Y+ Z) – 15(W+ X+ Y+ Z)

(a+ b+ c) + 0.15(a+ b+c)

1.15(a+ b+c)


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