The Algebra Teacher\'s Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Teaching Notes 4.4: Graphing Ordered Pairs

on the Coordinate Plane

Graphing points on the coordinate plane is relatively easy for students, provided they remember
that they must move to the right or left before moving up or down on the graph. Some students,
however, require additional practice to rememberto move in the proper directions.

  1. Review the coordinate plane with your students. Emphasize the following:

    • A plane is a flat surface divided into four sections called ‘‘quadrants.’’

    • The quadrants are formed by the intersection of a horizontal number line called thex-axis
      and a vertical number line called they-axis.

    • The origin (0, 0) is the point where thex-axis andy-axis intersect.

  2. Explain that the coordinate plane can be used to graph ordered pairs. The graph of an ordered
    pair is called a ‘‘point.’’ For (x,y), thex-coordinate indicates how many units to move right or
    left along thex-axis. They-coordinate indicates how many units to move up or down along
    they-axis. All movement begins at the origin.

  3. Emphasize that order matters. (x,y) differs from (y,x). For example, point (2, 5) is not the
    same point as point (5, 2).

  4. Review the procedure for graphing ordered pairs on the worksheet with your students.

  5. Provide an example showing how (−3, 4) is graphed on the coordinate plane. Explain that
    students must start at (0, 0), then move three units to the left, four units up, and finally
    graph the point.

To graph (x,y), remember thatxis written beforey. Move horizontally before moving vertically.


(1)E (2)B (3)J

(4)A (5)F (6)I

(7)H (8)C (9)D


(Challenge)Yes, (x,y)=(y,x)butonlyifthex-coordinate is the same as they-coordinate.


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