The Algebra Teacher\'s Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Teaching Notes 5.16: Factoring Trinomials if the Last

Term Is Negative

To factor a trinomial in the formx^2 +bx+c, students must determine the two factors of the
negative numbercwhose sum equalsb.Once they realize that this product can be found only by
multiplying a positive integer and a negative integer, they must select the correct pair of integers.

  1. Discuss the procedures for factoring a trinomial. Students should understand that they need
    to find two numbers whose product iscand whose sum isb.For example, inx^2 + 3 x−10,
    c=−10 andb=3. Students must find two factors of−10 whose sum is 3. 5 and−2arethe

  2. Emphasize that when the last term is negative, one factor will be positive and the other will
    be negative. Remind your students that a product of two integers is negative when the signs
    of its factors are different.

  3. Review the information and example on the worksheet with your students. Discuss the steps
    to factor the trinomial. Emphasize that students must select two factors whose sum is 2.
    Depending on their abilities, you may find it helpful to review adding integers.

  4. Explain that not all trinomials can be factored. They can be factored only when the sum of a
    pair of factors ofcis equal tob.

Even though the product of two integers may be negative, the sum could be positive.


(1)(x−2)(x+3) (2)(x+4)(x−2) (3)(x−1)(x+5) (4)(x−7)(x+2)
(5)(x+8)(x−3) (6)(x−1)(x+2) (7)(x−10)(x+4) (8)(x−5)(x+6)
(9)Cannot be factored (10)(x−4)(x+3) (11)(x−8)(x+4) (12)(x+5)(x−2)
(Challenge)Kelli is incorrect. There are six pairs of factors of−20 and she must have
overlooked two pairs. One pair of factors whose sum is−19 is−20 and 1. The polynomial can
be factored as (x−20)(x+1).


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