Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Fill in the blank to make the following statement true. “Suppose that a is a nonzero number.
    Also suppose that m and n are rational numbers, with n≠ 0. If we raise a to the mth power
    and then take the nth root of that quantity, we get the same result as if we ____.”
    (a) raise a to the power of (m+n)
    (b) raise a to the power of (m−n)
    (c) raise a to the power of mn
    (d) raise a to the power of m/n
    (e) raise a to the power of 1/(mn)

  2. When we want to add two complex numbers, we must

(a) add the real parts and multiply the imaginary parts, getting a real number.
(b) multiply the real parts and add the imaginary parts, getting a complex number.
(c) multiply the real parts and the imaginary parts separately, getting a real number.
(d) add the real parts and the imaginary parts separately, getting a complex number.
(e) find their absolute values and add them, getting a real number.

  1. In Fig. FE-1, which of the following statements is true, assuming A,B,C, and D are
    all non-empty sets?
    (a) Sets A and B are disjoint, and sets C and D are disjoint.
    (b) Sets A and C are disjoint, and sets B and D are disjoint.
    (c) Sets B and C are disjoint, and sets A and D are disjoint.
    (d) Sets A and C are disjoint, and sets A and D are disjoint.
    (e) None of the above.

  2. In Fig. FE-1, which of the following statements is true, assuming A,B,C, and D are
    all non-empty sets?

  3. Suppose it’s 12:00 noon on the twenty-fifth day of June. How many 24-hour days will
    pass between this moment and 12:00 noon on the fourth day of July, in the same year
    and in the same time zone? (June has 30 days.)
    (a) Eight days.
    (b) Nine days.
    (c) Ten days.
    (d) Eleven days.
    (e) Twelve days.

  4. The numerical value of 13/(−3) is the same as the value of

(b) 4-1/3.

Final Exam 547
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