Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Consider the equation 4x+ 2 y=−7, where x is the independent variable and y is the
    dependent variable. The slope of the graph of this equation is
    (a) 2.
    (d) 2/7.
    (e) undefined.

  2. The y-intercept of the graph of the equation stated in Question 53 is

(a) 2.
(d) 2/7.
(e) undefined.

  1. The x-intercept of the graph of the equation stated in Question 53 is

(a) 1.
(c) 7/4.
(e) impossible to determine without more information.

  1. What is the solution to the equation −x+a+ 5 = 0, where x is the unknown and a is
    a constant?
    (a)x= 5 +a
    (b)x= 5 −a
    (c)x=a− 5
    (d)x=−a− 5
    (e) It can’t be determined without more information

  2. When graphing a two-by-two system to illustrate the real solutions, a rectangular
    coordinate system often works better than a strict Cartesian coordinate system because
    (a) the rectangular system shows the true slopes of the lines or curves, but the
    Cartesian system does not.
    (b) the rectangular system shows negative as well as positive solutions, but the
    Cartesian system shows only positive solutions.
    (c) the rectangular system arranges the four quadrants in a more sensible way than the
    Cartesian system.
    (d) the rectangular system can provide exact values for the solutions merely by
    observation, but the Cartesian system can provide only approximate values.
    (e) the rectangular system can often provide a better pictorial fit than the Cartesian
    system for the range of values we want to show.

Final Exam 559
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