Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(c) the curve is symmetrical.
(d) the domain is the entire set of real numbers.
(e) the relation is a surjection.

  1. Suppose that the coefficients and constant in a polynomial equation are placed in a
    synthetic division array. We try a negative real-number “test root” and get a nonzero
    remainder. The numbers in the last row alternate between positive and negative. This
    tells us that our “test root” is
    (a) larger than all the real roots of the equation.
    (b) equal to the largest real root of the equation.
    (c) somewhere between the smallest and the largest real roots of the equation.
    (d) equal to the smallest real root of the equation.
    (e) smaller than all the real roots of the equation.

  2. State the solution set X for the quadratic equation

x^2 + 100 = 0

(a)X= {j10,−j10}
(b)X= {10, −10}
(c)X= {(10 +j10), (10 −j10)}

Final Exam 563

–6 –4 –2 2 6










y= 2+- x1/ 2

Figure FE-6 Illustration for Final Exam Questions 68,
69, and 70.
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