Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

570 Final Exam

(d) We cannot allow e to equal 0 at any time.
(e) We cannot allow f to equal 0 at any time.

  1. Assuming the condition in Question 96 has been satisfied, what is the solution of this
    equation in terms of the constants?
    (a)x= 3 abcd+ 24 bcdef
    (c)x= 3 abcd− 24 bcdef
    (e) More information is needed to answer this

  2. When a quantity is raised to the −1 power,
    (a) we must be sure the quantity can never equal 0.
    (b) we always get the additive inverse of the quantity.
    (c) we always get a rational number.
    (d) we always get a negative number.
    (e) we always get 1, except when the quantity equals 0.

  3. Refer to Fig. FE-9. Imagine two straight lines in this Cartesian plane, one passing
    through points P and Q, and the other passing through lines R and S. Now think
    about the two-by-two system of linear equations represented by these lines. What can
    we say about this system if we consider both of the equations as functions of x?
    (a) The system has one solution.
    (b) The system is inconsistent.
    (c) Neither function has an inverse that is also a function.
    (d) The system is redundant.
    (e) One of the functions has an inverse that is also a function, but the other function
    does not.


Q= (–4,–4)

R= (5,2)


S= (1,–6)

P= (0,4)

Figure FE-9 Illustration for Final Exam
Questions 99 and 100.
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