Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Final Exam 577

What is the largest number of elements that the solution set of such a system can have?
Assume that the two equations are not identical, and are not some constant multiple of
each other.
(a) One.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.
(e) Infinitely many.

  1. Suppose someone gives us a list of the first few elements of an infinite set S, and
    assures us that the numbers keep doubling as we move down the list:

S= {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ...}

Which of the following is not an element of S?
(a) 4,096
(b) 8,192
(c) 16,384
(d) 1,048,576
(e) 4,194,305

  1. Consider an integer expressed as a digit sequence without any other symbols (except
    a minus sign if the integer is negative). We can make the absolute value of this integer
    10,000 times as large by
    (a) adding 10,000.
    (b) adding four ciphers to the left-hand end of the digit sequence.
    (c) adding four ciphers to the right-hand end of the digit sequence.
    (d) increasing the left-most digit by 4.
    (e) inserting a decimal point four digits in from the right-hand end of the digit

  2. Figure FE-12 is graph of a quadratic function where x is the independent variable.
    Based on the information shown, what can we say about the coefficient of x^2 in the
    polynomial standard form of the function?
    (a) It is an imaginary number.
    (b) It is a complex (but not real) number.
    (c) It is a positive real number.
    (d) It is a negative real number.
    (e) We need more information to answer this.

  3. Based on the information shown in Fig. FE-12, how many real zeros does the
    quadratic function have?
    (a) More than two.
    (b) Two.

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