Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Appendix C Worked-Out Solutions to Exercises: Chapters 21 to

it’s not the same thing as the null set. It can be the sole element of another set, namely
{{∅}}. By now, you should be able to sense where this is leading:


and so on, forever

You started with nothing, and you have turned it into an infinite number of mathematical
objects! A variation of this idea is handy for “building” numbers, as you’ll see in Chap. 3.

  1. In Fig. 2-6, set P, represented by the small dark-shaded triangle, is common to (that is,
    shared by) sets A and C. Therefore, region P represents the intersection of sets A and C.
    You can write this as


Set Q, represented by the small, dark-shaded, irregular four-sided figure, is fully shared
by sets B and D.Therefore, region Q represents the intersection of sets B and D, which
you can write as


  1. Whenever two regions are entirely separate, then the sets they represent are disjoint, and
    the intersection of those sets is the null set. You can see from Fig. 2-6 that the only pairs
    of regions that don’t overlap are A and D,B and C, and C and D. Therefore, the only
    null-set intersection pairs are


  1. The universal set (call it U) is a subset of itself. That’s trivial, because any set is a subset
    of itself. But U is not a proper subset of itself. Remember, U is the set of all entities,
    real or imaginary. If U were a proper subset of itself, then there would be some entity
    that did not belong to U. That’s impossible; it contradicts the very definition of U!
    This little argument is an example of a tactic called reductio ad absurdum (Latin for
    “reduction to absurdity”) that mathematicians have used for thousands of years to prove
    or disprove “slippery statements.” It can work well in a courtroom, too.

  2. There are plenty of examples that will work here. The set of all even whole numbers,
    Weven, is a proper subset of the set of all whole numbers, W. Both of these sets have

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