Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

594 Worked-Out Solutions to Exercises: Chapters 1 to 9

  1. When you break the number 841 into a product of primes using the same process as
    you did to solve Prob. 5, you’ll see that

841 = 29 × 29

It is a perfect square of a prime.

  1. When you factor 2,197 into a product of primes (again using the process you did to
    solve Probs. 5 and 6), you’ll see that

2,197= 13 × 13 × 13

It has three prime factors, all equal to 13. When a natural number is multiplied by itself
and then the result is multiplied by the original number again, the product is a perfect
cube. The number 2,197 is a perfect cube of a prime.

  1. Any composite number can be factored into a product of primes. In the traditional
    sense, all the primes are positive because they are all natural numbers larger than 1.
    Remember from basic arithmetic that whenever you multiply a positive number times
    another positive number, the result is always positive. That means no negative number
    can be composite if we stick to the traditional definition of a prime number.

  2. Suppose 0 were defined as prime. Then 0 would also be composite, because you can
    multiply 0 by any prime you want, and you always get 0. An even more serious problem
    occurs if we let 1 be called prime. If that were true, then 1 times any other prime
    would be equal to that same prime, making every prime number composite! That’s why
    mathematicians generally refuse to call 0 or 1 prime numbers. But when we don’t allow
    them to be prime, they can’t be composite either, because they can’t be broken down
    into factors from the traditional set of primes {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ...}.

  3. In Fig. 3-5, you start with 0 and proceed through the positive and negative integers
    alternately. You can create an “implied one-ended list” of the entire set Z of integers
    starting with 0, one after the other, this way:

Z= {0, 1, −1, 2, −2, 3, −3, ...}

If you pick any integer, no matter how large positively or negatively, this “implied one-ended
list” will eventually get to it. You can pair the set of all natural numbers one-to-one with the
set of all integers like this, with natural numbers on the left and integers on the right:

0 ↔ 0
1 ↔ 1
2 ↔− 1
3 ↔ 2
4 ↔− 2
5 ↔ 3
6 ↔− 3

and so on, forever
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