Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

646 Worked-Out Solutions to Exercises: Chapters 11 to 19


y= (−2/3)x− 2

There’s no morphing for us to do. So let’s go ahead and mix the right sides of these two
equations. We get

(4/3)x+ 4 = (−2/3)x− 2

We can multiply this equation through by 3 to obtain

4 x+ 12 =− 2 x− 6

Adding 2x to each side gives us

6 x+ 12 =− 6

Subtracting 12 from each side, we get

6 x=− 18

Dividing through by 6 tells us that x=−18/6=−3. We can plug this value for x into
either of the SI equations to solve for y. Let’s use the first equation. We have

y= (4/3)x+ 4
= (4/3) × (−3)+ 4
=−12/3+ 4
=− 4 + 4
= 0

Having found the solution x=−3 and y= 0, we can state it as the ordered pair (−3, 0).
This represents the point where lines L and M intersect in Fig. 17-9.

  1. Figure B-8 shows the transformation process, one step at a time, exactly as I did it
    using the rotate and mirror functions in my computer graphics program. At A, we see
    the original graph, identical to Fig. 17-9. At B, the entire coordinate grid, the lines,
    and the points have been rotated counterclockwise, all together, by 90°. Even the label
    characters have been rotated! At C, the graph from B has been mirrored. Even the label
    characters have been reversed! (That looks strange, but it can help us see what is taking
    place.) At D, everything has been relabeled to conform to the new coordinate system.
    The transposed lines are called L and M. The numbers in the ordered pairs have been
    transposed, because y is now the independent variable and x is the dependent variable.

  2. In part D of Fig. B-8, line L passes through (0, −3) and (4, 0). The x-intercept
    is −3. Remember that x is now the dependent variable, so it’s the x intercept, not
    they-intercept, that concerns us. We can travel along L
    from (0, −3) to (4, 0)

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