Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. To figure out the value of j−^3 using the difference of powers law, note that

j−^3 =j^1 −^4


We have determined that j^4 = 1. Therefore,

j/j^4 =j/1


We can conclude that j−^3 =j. Now let’s determine j−^5. Again using the difference of pow-
ers law, we can say that

j−^5 =j−^1 −^4

=j−^1 /j^4

We have found that j−^1 =−j, and also that j^4 = 1. Therefore

j−^1 /j^4 = (−j)/1


Now we know that j−^5 =−j. Finally, let’s figure out the value of j−^7. Once again choosing
numbers and applying the difference of powers law, we can say that

j−^7 =j−^3 −^4

=j−^3 /j^4

We have found that j−^3 =j, and also that j^4 = 1. Therefore

j−^3 /j^4 =j/1


This tells us that j−^7 =j. By now, it is apparent that we’ll alternate between −j and j as we
raisej to ever-decreasing negative odd integer powers of −9,−11,−13, and so on.

  1. Refer to Table C-1. The four-way cycle of values goes on forever in both directions, that
    is, for positive and negative integer powers of j.

  2. The answers, along with explanations, are as follows.

(a) To find the sum (4 +j5)+ (3 −j8), we add the real parts and the imaginary parts
separately. This gives us

(4+j5)+ (3 −j8)= (4 + 3) +j(5− 8)

= 7 +j(−3)

= 7 −j 3

Chapter 21 665
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