Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
has no real roots, so the quadratic function has no real zeros. That means the graph does
not cross the x axis anywhere. If a parabola opens upward and fails to cross the x axis, then
that parabola must lie entirely above the x axis.

  1. In the polynomial, we have a= 7 and b= 5. The x-value of the absolute minimum
    point,xmin, is therefore


=−5 / (2 × 7)


We can find the y-value of the absolute minimum point, ymin, by plugging in xmin to the
function and doing the arithmetic:

ymin= 7 xmin^2 + 5 xmin+ 2

= 7 × (−5/14)^2 + 5 × (−5/14)+ 2

= 7 × 25/196 − 25/14 + 2

= 175/196 − 350/196 + 392/196

=−175/196+ 392/196

= 217/196
= 31/28

The coordinates of the vertex point on the parabola are (−5/14, 31/28).



Each axis
is 1 unit


(1/4,0) (3,0)

Figure C-2 Illustration for the solution to Prob. 4
in Chap. 24.

Chapter 24 683
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