Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
We can morph the mixed products to get

(31/2× 9 1/2)x^3 − (31/2× 144 1/2)x^2 + (31/2× 144 1/2)x
− (121/2× 9 1/2)x^2 + (121/2× 144 1/2)x− 12 1/2× 144 1/2

Applying the product of powers rule to each of these terms, we obtain

(3× 9)1/2x^3 − (3 × 144)1/2x^2 + (3 × 144)1/2x
− (12 × 9)1/2x^2 + (12 × 144)1/2x− (12 × 144)1/2

This simplifies to

27 1/2x^3 − 432 1/2x^2 + 432 1/2x
− 108 1/2x^2 + 1,7281/2x− 1,7281/2

Consolidating the terms for each power of x and then returning the expression to the left
side of the complete equation, we get

27 1/2x^3 − (4321/2+ 108 1/2)x^2
+ (4321/2+ 1,7281/2)x− 1,7281/2= 0

That’s as “simple” as we can get this cubic in polynomial standard form. All of the coefficients,
and the stand-alone constant, are irrational. This is the same equation that we solved in the
first “challenge” in the chapter text, finding a single real root of 2. For extra credit, find a
calculator that displays a lot of digits (such as the scientific calculator program in a personal
computer), substitute 2 for x in the result we just got, and verify that it works out!

  1. Here again, for reference, is the binomial factor form of the equation that we have been
    told to multiply out:

(3x+ 2)(5x+ 6)(− 7 x− 1) = 0

Let’s multiply the second two factors first. We get

(3x+ 2)(− 35 x^2 − 5 x− 42 x− 6) = 0

which consolidates to

(3x+ 2)(− 35 x^2 − 47 x− 6) = 0

Now we can multiply the binomial by the trinomial, obtaining

− 105 x^3 − 141 x^2 − 18 x− 70 x^2 − 94 x− 12 = 0

which consolidates to

− 105 x^3 − 211 x^2 − 112 x− 12 = 0

Chapter 25 687
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