Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
From the formula for the common logarithm of a product, we can rewrite this as

log 10 y= log 10 10 + log 10 x

But log 10 10 = 1. Therefore

log 10 y= 1 + log 10 x

  1. If a positive real number decreases by a factor of exactly 100 (it becomes 1/100 as
    great), then its common logarithm decreases by exactly 2.

  2. Let x be the original number, and let y be the final number. We are told that y=x/100.
    Taking the common logarithm of each side of this equation gives us

log 10 y= log 10 (x/100)

From the formula for the common logarithm of a product, we can rewrite this as

log 10 y= log 10 x− log 10 100

But log 10 100 = 2. Therefore

log 10 y= (log 10 x)− 2

  1. If a positive real number decreases by a factor of 357, then its natural logarithm
    decreases by ln 357 or, approximately, 5.88.

  2. Let x be the original number, and let y be the final number. We are told that y=x/357.
    Taking the natural logarithm of each side of this equation gives us

lny= ln (x/357)

From the formula for the natural logarithm of a ratio, we can rewrite this as

lny= ln x− ln 357

Using a calculator and rounding to two decimal places, we get ln 357 ≈ 5.88, so

lny≈ (ln x)− 5.88

Chapter 29 715
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