Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

722 Index

definition of, 212–213
example of, 213–214, 316–317
binary numeral, 14–17, 143–144
complex number expressed as, 357
cubed form, 413–415
factor form, 367–371, 391–395, 415–419,
435–437, 517
factor rule, 423, 518
to the nth form, 432–435, 519–520
binomial-trinomial form of cubic equation,
419–424, 428
braces, grouping with, 93
brackets, grouping with, 61

calculus, differential, 410
cardinal, transfinite, 131
cardinality of set, 129, 169
Cartesian n-space, 292
Cartesian plane
assembly of, 223–225
function graphed in, 232–234
origin in, 223
quadrants of, 223–225, 317–318
relation graphed in, 226–231
Cartesian three-space, 290–292
Celsius temperature scale, 45
cipher, as numeral for zero, 100
co-domain of mapping, 209–211
in quadratic equation, 367
leading, 443
coincident sets, 24–25
antilogarithm, 488
denominator, 91–92
exponential, 487–488, 541–543
factor, 87
logarithm, 480, 538–540
prime factor, 88
commutative law
for addition, 57–59, 134, 151–152
improper use of, 77
for multiplication, 73–75, 134, 155–157

completing the square, 371–375
complex number
absolute value of, 358–359
addition, 357, 359–361
as root of quadratic equation, 381–395
conjugates, 358, 384–386, 391–395, 501
definition of, 355
division, 357–358
expressed as binomial, 357, 500–501
multiplication, 357
notation, 355–356
plane, 356–361
relationship to other numbers, 359
subtraction, 357
number, definition of, 40–41
number, negative, 48–49
compound fraction, 90, 159
congruent sets, 24–25, 27, 30–31, 146
conjugates, complex, 358, 384–386,
391–395, 501
consequent, definition of, 178
in quadratic equation, 367
letter, 192–193
Cartesian, 223–235
rectangular, 225, 233
corollary, definition of, 44
counterexample, 60
methods, 3–18
number, 7, 9
credit, 58
cross-multiplication, 74
geometric, 113–114
root, 113–114, 164
cubic/cubic system, 459–461
cubic equation
binomial-cubed form of, 413–415
binomial-factor form of, 415–419, 517
binomial-trinomial form of, 419–424, 428
polynomial standard form of, 422–430,
real roots of, 420–421
curve fitting, 229
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