Now 1 (work) part-time at the shoe store and (go)
to school at the same time. I (want, always)
55 56
to be completely independent and self-reliant, and now I (be)
1 (haw) 58 to pay every penny of my tuition and living expenses now.
Ever since I (lose) my scholarship and (make)
59 60
my parents mad, I (be) completely on my own. I'm glad to
.. :^61
, report that my grades at present (be) excellent, and right now I
1"" (enjoy, really) my work with computers. In the
n c 63
future, I (continue) to take courses in anthropology
whenever I can fit them into my schedule, and I (~rudy)
65 , i+,.
thropology on my own for the rest of my life, but.1 (pursue)?.. <"' ..,A ' .. " ,;. "%._ ..
a'career in business. Maybe there is some way I can combine anthropology, business, and
computers. Who knows? :., .! .,.. ':. ,
;d; , .,3.:. 'i7 .'.
yi... , :.
.. -~, There. I (tell) 67 you everything I can think of that is at all
important in my life at the moment. I think I (gm) UP a
. r - lot during the last six months. I (understand) that my education
I' I^69
is important. Losing my scholarship (make) my life more difEcult,
but I @elieve) that I (take,fina&)
71 72
charge of my life. It's a good feeling.
Please write. I'd love to hear from you.
The Present Perfect and Me Past Perfect 11 1