Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
I, :. '5 : - ;... whg& stopped~o,~~o,r sueeding?
::?I. , - , ' ,. :,.p " ..,3J
B: He (the police officer) gave me a ticket. ," .. ,. - ,; -.

  1. A: in the winter?
    B: It (a bear) hibernates.

  2. A: I have the hiccups.?
    B: You should drink a glass of water.. .L ..

"> ... 12. A:?
,. , B: He (Mr. Rice) is a businessman. He works for General Electric.
.,, ;. -;,A:? 8 , ::

  • ;B: She (Mrs. Rice) designs websites. She works for an Internet company.
    .. I

EXERCISE 15. Using WHAT + a form of DO and verb tense teview. (Chart 5-6)
BreccFMns: Work in pairs. Ask a classmate a question. Use what + do. I:<: I
c I... s:2iq!:;oJ '.:..:~',. '.
Example: tomorrow. .. 11 1.
SPEAKER A: What are y~b g&g to do tomorrow? / What do you want to do tokorrow? I
What would vou like to do tomorrow? / Etc.
SPEAKER B: (Answer the question.) ;<! ,- i ,,Jxj .c. ,.

. ,q, , -- :. .j Switch roles. ?A! t. , i

  1. last night 7. this morning

  2. right now

3. next Saturday 9. on weekends .,'^2 .',)'..

  1. this afternoon ,i , .,I ,.I.. 10. after class yesterday,,, .. (. f

  2. tonight. 11. after class today 1 i ,.

  3. every morning :,. , , , :,., 12. since you amved .~. in ~-. this city ~

Asking Questlonr 131
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