Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


7-4 Using could to express possibility

a. wuy tan r urcg m ciaasr. I
B: I don't know. He could be sick.
@) Look at those dark clouds. It could 8tal.t
raining any minute.

Loura can mean past aourty. (see Lnart '1-2,
p. 191.) But that is not its only meaning. Another
meaning of could is possibility.
In (a): "He could be sick" has the same meaning as
"He maylmight be sick," i.e., "It is possible that he is
In (a): could expresses a present possibility.
In @): could expresses a future possibility.

EXERCISE 9. Meanings of COULD. (Charts 7-2 and 7-4)
Directions: What is the meaning of could in the following? Does could express past,
present, or hture time?

  1. I could be home late tonight. Don't wait for me for dinner.

+ could be = maylmight be. It expresser future time.

  1. Thirty years ago, when he was a small child, David could speak Arabic fluently. Now
    he's forgotten a lot.
    -' could speak = was able to speak. It expresses past time.

  2. A: Where's Alicia?
    B: I don't know. She could be at the mall.

  3. When I was a child, we could swim in the Duckfoot River, but now it's too polluted.
    Today even the fish get sick.

  4. A: What's this?
    B: I don't know. It looks like a glass bottle, but it cmld be a flower vase.

  5. Let's leave for the airport now. Yuki's plane could arrive early, and we want to be there
    when she arrives.

  6. When I was a kid, I could jump rope really well.

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