Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A: I'm sorry. you repeat that? I can't hear you because
    my dog barking.
    B: I said, "Why is your dog making all that noise?'

  2. A: I don't know whether to turn left or right at the next intersection.
    B: I think you pull over and look at the map.

  3. A: Hurry up. Kate and Greg waiting for us.
    B: I hurrying!

  4. A: Andy can't teach his class tonight.
    B: He teach tonight! He'll be fired if he doesn't show up.

  5. A: Stop! (not) touch that pan! It's hot! You'll burn
    B: Relax. I had no intention of touching it.

  6. A: What you carrying? YOU
    want some help?
    B: It's a box of books. you open the door for me, please?

  7. A: Hello? .J+
    B: Hello. I please speak to Sandra Wilson?
    A: I'm sorry. There's no one here by that name. You ha.=
    the wrong number.

  8. A: Nick going to be at the meeting tomorrow?
    B: I hope so.. .,;, A

  9. A: Everyone work toward
    cleaning up the environment.
    B: I agree. Life on earth (not)
    sunive if we continue to poison the land, water,
    and air.

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