Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. wear a suit to class
    w',?iw. ~:&: 2. go to sleep before eleven-thirty

  2. get at least one e-mail a day

  3. read in bed before I go to sleep

  4. listen to the radio in the morning

  5. speak to people who sit next to me on an airplane
    Switch roles.

  6. wear jeans to class

  7. read poetry in my spare time

  8. believe the things I read in newspapers

  9. get up before nine o'clock in the morning

  10. call my family or a friend if I feel homesick or lonely

  11. have chocolate ice cream for dessert

EXERCISE 13. Activity: topics for discussion or writing. (Charts 1-1 + 1-3)
Directions: Discuss the topics in pairs, in groups, or as a class. Topics can also be used for
writing practice. Use several frequency adverbs with each topic. See Chart 1-3 for a list of
frequency adverbs.
Exumple: What are some of the things you do when you get up in the morning?

+ I generally turn on the news.

I alevays brush my teeth.
I seldom make my bed.
I usually rake a shower.
I never take a bath.

PART I. What are some thii you do...

  1. when you get ready to go to bed at night?

  2. when you travel abroad?

  3. in this classroom?

  4. when you're on vacation?

  5. when your airplane flight is delayed?

  6. when you use a computer?

PART XI. What are some things people in your country do

  1. at the diier table?

  2. to celebrate their birthdays?

  3. when a chid misbehaves?

  4. when they meet someone for the first time?

  5. when they want to have fun?

  6. at a wedding?

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