- I was hungry didn't eat on the plane. The food didn't look
appetizing. - I washed my face, brushed my teeth combed my hair.
- Golf tennis are popular sports.
- Sara is a good tennis player she's never played golf.
- Which would you prefer? Would you like to play tennis golf Saturdav
morning? - Who called whom? Did Bob call you did you call Bob?
EXERCISE 6. Punctuating with commas and periods. (Charts 8-1 and 8-2)
Directions: Add commas, periods, and capital letters as appropriate.
- Cats are mammals turtles are reptiles. , I. .~..ir;,:.. ,.... ,-.
- Cats are mammals. Turtles are reptiles. ' !, .zI.... " , !. .: ,. &
. ., :' I ,. ; ,,,< ~ . ,>w.;;r,., 8 *,..
. ,. .~,.. 2. Cats are mqm$s but mrtles are reptiles.
I '~
- Cats are mammals. Turtles are reptiles. ' !, .zI.... " , !. .: ,. &
- Cows and horses are farm animals but zebras and giraffes are wild animals.
- Cows and horses are farm animals zebras giraffes and lions are wild animals.
- Cars use roads trains run on tracks.
- Cars buses and trucks use roads but trains run on tracks.
- Most vegetables grow above the ground but some are roots and grow under the
ground corn beans and cabbage grow above the ground but carrots and onions grow
under the ground. - Why do people with different ethnic backgrounds sometimes fear and distrust each
other? - Nothing in nanw stays the same forever today's land sea climate plants and animals
are all part of a relentless process of change continuing through millions of years.
Connecting Ideas 229