EXERCISE 9. Punctuatlng with commas and periods. (Charts 8-1 + 8-3)
Directions: Add commas, periods, and capital letters as necessary.
(1) A $ few days ago, a friend and I were driving from Benton Harbor to Chicago.
(2) W $e didn't experience any delays for the first hour but near Chicago we ran into
(3) some highway construction the traffic wasn't moving at all my •’riend and I sat in the
(4) car and waited we talked about our jobs our families and the terrible traffic slowly the
(5) traffic started to move
(6) we noticed a black sports car at the side of the road the right blinker was blinking
(7) the driver obviously wanted to get back into the line of traffic car after car passed
(8) without lemng the black sports car get in line I decided to do a good deed so I
(9) motioned for the black car to get in lie ahead of me the driver of the black car waved
(10) thanks to me and I waved back at hi
(11) all cars had to stop at a toll booth a short way down the road I held out my
(12) money to pay my toll but the tolltaker just smiled and waved me on she told me that the
(13) man in the black sports car had already paid my toll wasn't that a nice way of saying
(14) thank you?