Directions: Complete the dialogues by agreeing &th Speake; A's idea. Use so or neither.
Use I.
- A: I'm tired. 6. A: I've never been in Peru.
- A: I didn't enjoy the movie last night. 7. A: I studied last night.. ~.. .,: .. ,.
B: Nritkrv Xi I B : ~:L - A: I always have coffee in the morning. 8. A: I should study tonight.
B: B:
A: I don't feel like going to class today. 9. A. I can't speak Hungarian.
. ~ ' q ;, I'. < B :
:L$, .. - A: I didn't eat brealdast this morning.
- A: But I can speak English.
EXERCISE 17. SO and NEITHER. (Chart 8-5)
Directions: Work in pairs.
Speaker A: Say the given sentence. Complete the sentence with your own words if
necessary. Your book is open.
Speaker B: Respond to Speaker A's statement by using so or neithm. Your book is closed.
Example: I'm confused.
SPEAKER A (book open): I'm confused.
SPEAKER B (book closed): So am I.*
Example: Fro5 don't have tails.
SPEAKERA (book open): Frogs don't have tails. .,'! '1
SPEAKER B (book closed): Neither do human beings.
Example: (name of a restaurant) is a good place to eat in (this city).
SPEAKER A (book open): Ivar's Seafood Restaurant is a good place to eat in Seattle.
SPEAKER B (book closed): So is Hong Kong Gardens.
*?his exercise is desipcd to prscnce the use of ao and -thw in conversational responses. If, however, Spesker B
doesn't want to agm, echo, or support Speaker A's statanat, there are alternative responses. For example:
. , , I<, .: emu A: I'm confused. J., , ..!...
emu 8: You ue? What's the matter? a
s~mu A: Fmgs don't have tails. ,I I. , , .,,
mu 8: RcaUy? Is that no? Hmmm. I didn't how that. Are you nm?. i
speh~a~ A: Ivar's Seafood Restaurant is a good place to eat in Seattle.. , ,:: ..
s~ehw~ B: Oh? I've nmr eaten there. .*, .:,,I ::!a, ~1 .., :,4
Connecting Ideas 237