Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

EXERCISE 10. Active vs. passlve. (Charts 10-1 -r 10-4)

Direcrions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (active or passive) in

  1. Yesterday our teacher (am'w) awived five minutes late.

  2. Our morning paper (read) by over 200,000 people every day.

  3. Last night my favorite TV program (interrupt) by
    a special news bulletin.

  4. That's not my coat. It (belonk) to Louise.

  5. Our mail (detiwr) before noon every day.

  6. The "b" in "comb" (pronounce, not). It is
    silent. .I...I,.. ., ~ ,.

  7. A bad accident (happen) on Highway 95 last night.

  8. When I (arriw) at the airport yesterday, I (meet)
    .-,:, -. i ., .,.by my cousin and a couple of her friends. ,;, :, #.I -. ..
    1 ,
    ti i: 9. Yesterday I (hear) about Margaret's divorce. I (surprise)
    2:~.. r by the news. Janice (shock)

  9. A new house (build) next to ours next year.

  10. Roberto (write) this composition last week. That one (wire)
    by Abdullah.

  11. Radium (discov,er) by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898.

  12. At the soccer game yesterday, the winning goal (kick)
    by Luigi. Over 100,000 people (amd) the soccer game.

  13. A: Do you understand the explanation in the book?
    B: No, I don't. I (conjke) by it.

  14. A: Where are you going to go to school next year?
    B: I (accept) by Shoreline Community
    Colleg IJ. , ' ..

  15. A: I thhk football is too vioient.
    B: I (agree) with you. I (prefer) baseball.


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