Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




(a) MlKe as supposed to cau me tomorrow.
(IDEA: 1 expect Mike to call me tomorrow.)
(b) We are supposed to write a composition.
(IDEA: The teacher expects us to write a
(c) Alice wos supposed to be home at ten,
but she didn't get in until midnight.
(IDEA: Someone expected Alice to be home
at ten.)

He supposed to IS used to ta~k about an aconty or event
that is expected to occur.
In (a):The idea of is supposed to is that Mike is
expected (by me) to call me. I asked him to call me. He

idea that an expected event did not occur, as in (c).

17 EXERCISE 33. BE SUPPOSED TO. (Chart 10-12)
Directions: Create sentences with a similar meaning by using be supposed to.

  1. The teacher expects us to be on time for class.

+ We are sumsed ro be on time for class.

  1. People expect the weather to be cold tomorrow.

  2. People expect the plane to arrive at 6:OO.

  3. My boss expects me to work late tonight.
    5. I expected the mail to arrive an hour ago, but it didn't.

EXERCISE 34. BE SUPPOSED TO. (Chart 10-12)
Directions: Correct the mistakes.

  1. I'm supposed A call my parents tonight.

  2. We're not suppose to tell anyone about the surprise.

  3. You don't supposed to talk to Alan about the surprise.

  4. My friend was supposing to call me last night, but he didn't.

  5. Children supposed to respect their parents.

  6. Didn't you supposed be at the meeting last night?

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