EXERCISE 28. Uslng IN ORDER TO. (Chart 13-9)
Directions: Add in order to the sentences whenever possible.
- I wenr to the bank to cash a check.
+ I wenr w the bank in order to cash a check.
- I'd like to see that movie.
+ (No change. The infinitive does not express purpose.)
- Sam went to the hospital to visit: a friend.
- I need to go to the bank today.
- I need to go to the bank today to deposit my paycheck.
- On my way home from school, I stopped at the drugstore to buy some shampoo.
- Carmen looked in her dictionary to find the correct spelling of a word.
- Masako went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.
- Jack and Linda have decided to get married.
- Pedro watches TV to improve his English.
- I didn't forget to pay my rent.
- Kim wrote to the university to ask for a catalog.
- Sally touched my shoulder to get my attention.
- Donna expects to graduate next spring.
- Jerry needs to go to the bookstore to buy a spiral notebook.
EXERCISE 29. Uslng (IN ORDER) TO. (Chart 13-9)
Directions: Complete the sentences in Column A by using the ideas in Column B.
Connect the ideas with (in ovder) to.
Examp&: I called the hotel desk...
-r I called the hotel desk (in order) to ask for an extra pillow.
Column A
- I called the hotel desk...
Column B
A. keep their feet warm and dry
" I turned on the radio... B. reach the top shelf
I looked on the Internet .IL:._.... ... -,.;#-~ z:.. , ,.:'.+y, C. listen to a ball game , ?,
People wear boots.. '. $,' 3;. ., aj.i L. ... \.I 2 .,.
k4 .&.. ,~~,.. , D. find the population of Malaysia
.. 5. Andy went to Egypt... ,: ,,: JE. ask for an extra pillow
- Ms. Lane stood on tiptoes... F. chase a stray dog away
- The dentist moved the light closer to my face... G. help her pay the rent
- I clapped my hands and yelled... H. get some fresh air and exercise
< ,d. .>
, 9. Maria took a walk in the park... I. see the ancient pyramids - I offered my cousin some money. J. look into my mouth
392 CHAPTER 13 #I-,, , -