8 v 0
I) hat Mr. Jones is a pod teacher.^1
(b) I hope that you can come m the game.
(c) Mary realizes that she should szudy harder.
Id) I dreamed that I was on the tor, of a munuin.
(e) I think that Mr. Jones is a good teacher.
(f) I think 0 Mr. Jones is a good teacher
A noun clause can be lnuoduced by the word tht.
In (a): that Mr. Jones is a good teacher is a noun
clause. It is the objea of the verb think.
That-clauses are frequently used as the objects of
verbs that express mental activity. (See the list
The word that is often omitted, especially in
spealdng. (e) and (f) have the same meaning.
assume that feel that learn that read chat
believe that hear that notice that say that
discover that hope that predict that suppose that
dream that know thar prwe thnt think that
me verbs in the above list are those that are emphasized ,. ,- ,, in the erercises. Some other common verbs that can be followed by
dm-clauses are:
agree rhm fenr thnr imqgina rho[ diw rkac meal that
caclu* thnr fipurr our that indicato rhar racnll that shav that
d& thar fid out that obrmw thar recognize tho1 supBcr that
dnnonrmue rhar forger that p~~m that 10pt rhar reach that
doubt that pa* that pnmd that mabe that underrmnd rkac
EXERCISE 15. THAT-clauses. (Chart 14-5)
Directions: Add the word that in the appropriate place to mark the beginning of a noun
clause. I I
, :.<s** 1. I thinkA most people have kind hearts.
- Last night I dreamed I was at my aunt's house.
- 1 believe we need to protect endangered species of animals.
- I know Matt walks to school every day. I assume he doesn't have a bicycle.
71 :: ~. 5. Did you notice Ji Ming wasn't in class yesterday? I hope he's okay. - I trust Linda. I believe what she said. I believe she told the truth.
- In yesterday's newspaper, I read half of the people in the world have never used a
telephone of any kind in their entire lives. - The population of NewYork City is extraordinarily diverse. Did you know forty
percent of the people who live in NewYork City are foreign born? Many people
believe these immigrants are revitalizing the city.
414 CHAPTER 14