~nn .&d 'Ibm hk up
M9y I meid
People usually dws up for weddings.
Would you lii to eat out tonisht?
IJW down and hurt myself.
mat time did you get up
I can't do it. I giwe up
t's not stop. Let's go on.
k grew up in Sweden.
people mod in next door to m
t count, so I stmred w.
EXERCISE 16. Phrasal verbs. (Group F)
Directtons: Complete the sentences.
- A: Are you comfortable?
B: Yes. This is a very comfortable chair.
A: Good. Now just sit back and take it easy. There's nothing to worry about. - A: I'm exhausted. I can't go. I have to stop and rest.
B: Let's sit in the shade of that tree. I'll get you some water. - A: I don't feel Like cooking tonight. Let's eat
:,;. :.' .. B: Okay. Where do you want to go?
.v ,,,. : >^4
. /.. ... , 4. A: Are you going to get dressed for the symphony t
B: Yes. I thiik so. You?
5. A: What time do you usually get in the morning?
B: Around seven.