look over. ..................... examine carefuuy
look out (for) .................. be care@
look up ....................... look for informath in a dicriaay, a telephone direcwy
an encyclopedia, ets.
M make up ......... ..... invent (a story)
movein(t0) ...... ..... start living in a new home
move out (of) .................. stop litnng at a place
P pay back. ..................... remrn bormwed money w (someone)
pickup ....................... lift
point out. ..................... call attention w
print out. ..................... create a paper copy fmm a computer
put away. ..................... put (somethink) in in usual orproperplace
put back ...................... return (somethink) to in original place
put down. ..................... stop holding or carrying
put off. ....................... postpone
put on. ....................... put clothes on one's body
put out ....................... extinguish (stop) afire, a cigarem
R run into ...................... meet by chance
run out (of) ................... finish the supply of (something)
S set out (for) ................... begin a nip
ahut off. ...................... stop a machine or a light, turn o.ff
sign up (for) ................... put me's name on a list
show up ...................... come, appear
sit around (with) ............... sit and do nothing
sit back. ...................... put one's back against a chair bock
sit down ...................... go frmn standing w simng
speak up. ..................... speak louder
stand up ...................... gofrom sining to standing
start over ..................... begin again
stay up ....................... not go to bed
T take back .... ..... return
take off. ...................... (1) remuve clothesfrom one's body
(2) ascend in an airplane
take out. ...................... inwite our and pay
talk over. ..................... discuss
tear down. .................... desm~ a building
tear out (of) ................... remcwe (paper) by tearing
Phrasal Verbs 451