in polite questions, 197, 199
possibility, present/future, 195
Countlnoncount nouns, 313-342
noncount nouns, 313-3 15,322
Dependent clause, defined, 343fn. (SEE
ALSO Adjective clauses; Adverb
clauses; Noun clauses)
fiFerentfrom, 27 1
Direct speech (SEE Quoted speech)
Distance (to.. .&m, how far), 140
Do as main verb in what-questions, 130
Does, do, did:
in negative (I don't.. .), 4,26
with have to, 207
in questions (Did you... ?), 4,26, 12 1,
with what, 130
in short answers Wes, I do), 19,26, 121
Double comparatives (the sooner, the bettm),
-Ed (nsked,played), 25,32
past participle, 32, 84
as adjective (a confucedperson), 297
pronunciation, 28
spelling, 29
Either, 235
Enough, 394
-Erlmore and -estlmost, 252-253,257
Etc., 245fn.
Even though, 24 1
Ewr, 9
Every, -. 165
Expressions of quantity (some, many), 3 18,
Far, much, a lot, 258
Farthorl~rther, 253fn.
(A) fi?w, 3 1 8
For (purpose) (I went to the store fm milk),
39 1
For and since (time) (I stayed fm two
doy), 86-87,95,98
For (someone) to do (sumethind, with it (It
is important foryou to study), 388
adverbs (always, somerimes), 9,102
expressions (a lot, every day), 139
questions about, with how om, 139
From, to, to express distance, 140
Full stop (period), 226fn.
Future time, 55-82
be going to and will, 56,59,63
in if-clauses, 65
immediate @e about to), 74
using present verbs to express (It begins
tomorrow), 70-73
in time clauses (Before he comes, we
will.. .), 65
Gerunds (riding, working), 368
following prepositions, 38 1
as subjects (Riding horses is fun), 387
verbs followed by (enjoy working), 368,
Get + adjectivelpast participle (get hungry,
get rired), 300
Get used tolamrstornod to, 303
Go + -ing (go shopping), 372
Gonna (going to), 56
Habitual past (used D do something), 52
contracted with pronouns, 203
in past perfect (She had already eaten),
112-1 13
Had better Wou'd bew study), 190,203
Hanged vs. hung, 92fn.
Have, auxiliary in present perfect (Thq,
have eaten), 85
progressive vs. non-action, 17
in questions, main verb, 5 122)~.
Hove got to, 190,206
Have to, 190,206
do not have to, 207
Helping verbs (SEE Auxiliary verbs;
Negatives; Questions; individual