Presen~&dpk (eatink,, 32
as djective finf~e~Ebrk), 297
vs. gerund, 368
Present perfect (hawe eaten), 84-1 13
defined, 87
Pteauu. time, 4-19 (SEE ALSO Tenses)
Principal parts of a verb (cas, a, ~aren,
eaaiq), 32
hbabb, 60
Progressive verb T[M +-in&, 32
in passive (ic being &Me), 287
past(wus doirPkt, 39,287
present @ &i&&, 4,70,98,287
presenmpufect &as been doink,,
vn, non-adon (I am thinking vs. I think),
in adjective clauses (do, wlbiclr), 344,
contractions with (REE Contractions)
used as expressions of@mtitJr (mwy,
sonrs), 3Z6
personal (I, them), 17 1
possessiw (kb,drrin), 136
reflexive (mysaZt; th&&a), 178
-ed, 28
-s/-R(J 157
apostrophe (Tom's), 173 (SEE ALSO
in adverb dau8es, 48,239
vs. a p&&, Z26
in quoted speech, 420
period, 226
quotation marks, 420
Purpose (k oniLl to, fbr), 39 1
Quantity, expressions of @ lot, sd),
Question %nus, 123
p~t progressive (were ~mr doing?), 39
pl%mperfe~t (hV8 YOU &?If$, 85
present perfect progressive Fawe they
been driving?), 98
present progressive (are you doing?), 4
simple past (did you do?), 26
simple present (do you do?), 4
with will (dyou do?), 59
Questions, 121-152
information (why, when), 123
polite (wouldyou please?), 197, 199,202
tag (You know Bob, don't you?), 152
yeslno, 19, 121, 123
Question words, 123, 128 (SEE ALSO Noun
clauses; individual items)
Quite, 248
Quotation marks, 420
Quoted speech, 42M22
Reflexive pronouns (myem, 178
Relative clauses (SEE Adjective clauses)
Reported speech, 422-423
with plural nouns @ids), 12, 158,313
pronunciation, 157
with simple present verbs (eat), 4
spelling, 13
Same, similar, dflerent, like, alike,
27 1
Say vs. tell, 425
Sequence of tenses, in noun clauses, 423
Several, 3 18
Shall, 56
Short answers to questions, 19, 26,85,
Should, 190,202
Simple form of a verb, 32
Simple past, 25-26
vs. past progressive, 39
vs. present perfect, 87
Simple present, 4, 19
to express future time, 73
in future time clauses, 65
Since andfor, 86-87,95,98
Singular and plural:
nouns (a bird, birdr), 158-159, 313