5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




The Cold War, Integration,

and Globalization

Summary: Following World War II, the Soviet Union solidified its control of
Eastern Europe, creating an “Iron Curtain” that divided East and West. The two
superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, engaged in a global con-
flict, called the Cold War. This chapter provides a review of the important events
of the Cold War and describes the growing economic integration in Western
Europe that culminated in the creation of the European Union. This chapter also
reviews the sudden end of the Cold War, including the rapid disintegration of
the Soviet Union, the destruction of the Iron Curtain, and the reunification of

Key Terms:
✪^ Truman Doctrine A U.S. doctrine (named after President Harry Truman),
created in 1947, that established a system of military and economic aid to
countries threatened by communist takeover.
✪^ Marshall Plan^ A plan (named after U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall),
launched in 1947, that provided billions of dollars of aid to help the Western
European powers rebuild their infrastructures and economies following
World War II.
✪^ Council for Mutual Economic Assistance The Soviet Union’s response to the
Marshall Plan whereby the Soviet Union offered economic aid packages for
Eastern European countries.




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