Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Medical technology: New frontiers in health care 153

11 · 8


Transitional devices Paraphrase each of the following statements from the reading
text, using the transitional device in parentheses to replace the underlined word(s).
Replace as many words as possible with synonyms.

  1. “Other simple instruments were used to test relexes and check the ears and throat, and
    most importantly, the doctor relied on well-trained hands to feel for internal abnormalities
    during a physical examination.” (in addition to)

  2. “Although general practitioners still use these simple tools and time-tested procedures in
    their practices, technology is rapidly revolutionizing the way illness is diagnosed and
    treated.” (however)

  3. “Robotic hands, however, cannot feel the tissue they are operating on, but scientists and
    engineers in the ield of haptic engineering are working on solutions that will one day
    create tactile sensory feedback in robots.” (although)

  4. “Although major technical obstacles have yet be to overcome, the potential for
    nanotechnological applications appears limitless, and future nanomedicine is expected to
    be instrumental in diagnosing and treating cancer.” (despite)

  5. “Of course, all of this will not happen overnight, due to the high costs of building
    infrastructure and the time involved... .” (because of )

  6. “Because stem cells know exactly where to go when they are needed in the body and can
    live forever if frozen, the sky is the limit in how they could be used.” (due to)

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