Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

196 practice makes perfect Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

  1. According to the 2012 Happy Planet Index, the least happy countries are in
    a. North America
    b. Africa
    c. Asia

  2. Of the least happy countries, all have a low ecological footprint except.
    a. Qatar
    b. Mali
    c. Chad

  3. Voluntary simplicity began as a movement in the.
    a. 1960s
    b. 1970s
    c. 1980s

  4. Surveys conducted in the 1980s in the United States showed that
    percent of adults had simpliied their lifestyle and work.
    a. 69
    b. 60
    c. 25
    Indicate which of the following statements are true (T ) and which are false (F).

  5. People in wealthy countries are the happiest people on earth.

  6. The happiest countries have a low ecological footprint.

  7. It is not possible to apply voluntary simplicity both to your life and to your work.

  8. Bobby McFerrin wrote a book about voluntary simplicity.

  9. People don’t have to live on a farm or in the country to practice voluntary simplicity.

  10. People who practice voluntary simplicity reduce, recycle, and reuse.
    Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

  11. What is the deinition of voluntary simplicity?

  12. What is the diference between “wants” and “needs”?

  13. What three factors does the Happy Planet Index measure?

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