Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Voluntary simplicity: Making more out of less 199

Critical thinking

14 · 9


Making evaluationsIndicate which of the following choices conform (✓) to the
philosophy of voluntary simplicity and which do not (X).

  1. a. Living in a mansion
    b. Living in a small apartment

  2. a. Buying a brand new car
    b. Buying a good used car

  3. a. Driving to work or school
    b. Organizing a car pool with colleagues who live in the same neighborhood

  4. a. Buying clothes that match
    b. Buying clothes that are fashionable but don’t go with anything that you have
    in your wardrobe

  5. a. Making a schedule to manage your time
    b. Doing things on the ly

  6. a. Buying a new product because it is advertised on television
    b. Buying a new product because it is efective and useful

  7. a. Shopping locally and buying food that is in season
    b. Buying expensive and exotic products that are imported from far away

  8. a. Sharing tools or machines with friends
    b. Buying a brand new item even if you are going to use it only once or very rarely

  9. a. Borrowing books from the library
    b. Buying every book you are interested in reading

  10. a. Going for a long walk on the beach
    b. Working overtime to earn money to pay of your credit card debt

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