6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Estimate to place the decimal point in the quotient.

  1. 29.527.2 41 2. 18.75.5 34 3. 49.6 8  62

  2. 38.1315.5 246 5. 40.1819.6 205 6. 225.157.5 3002

  3. 396.512.2 325 8. 9.217.5 1228 9. $37.75 5 $755

Estimate Decimal Quotients

8 0.16

0.16 8

The fabric Hannah needs costs $4.65 per yard.
She has $23.50. About how many yards of
fabric can she buy?

To find about how many yards Hannah
can buy, estimate: $23.50$4.65.

Use compatible numbers to estimate the quotient
of two decimals (or two money amounts):

Write the nearest compatible whole $23.50 $24
numbers for the dividend and the divisor. 0 $4.65 0 $4

Divide. $24$4 6

She can buy about 6 yards of fabric.

Compare the dividend and the divisor to help
estimate a quotient if it is greater than or less than 1.

DividendDivisor Quotient 1

8 0.16 8 0.16 1

DividendDivisor Quotient 1

0.16 8 0.16 8  1

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