6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Update your skills. See page 3.

Prime and Composite Numbers


A prime number is a whole number greater than 1
that has exactly twofactors, itself and 1.

Find all the factors of 11.

1  11  11 Factors of 11: 1 , 11

Since 11 has exactly two factors, it is a prime number.

A composite number is a whole number
greater than 1 that has more than twofactors.

Find all the factors of 25.

1  25  25
5  50  25 Factors of 25: 1 , 5 , 25

Since 25 has more than two factors, it is a composite number.

The numbers 0 and 1
are neither prime nor

Tell whether each number is prime, composite, orneither.

  1. 24 2. 35 3. 2 4. 9 5. 19

  2. 21 7. 33 8. 11 9. 1 10. 0

  3. 51 12. 26 13. 81 14. 100 15. 41

  4. 207 17. 613 18. 127 19. 10,011 20. 37,311

Copy these statements in your Math Journal.
Then tell whether each statement is true or false.
Give an example to justify your answer.

  1. Any whole number is either prime 22. No composite number is an even
    or composite. number.

  2. All prime numbers are odd 24. Every even number greater than 2
    numbers. is a composite number.

  3. The product of two prime numbers 26. The sum of two prime numbers is a
    is a prime number. composite number.

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