6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Match each definition with a term in the box.

  1. the whole numbers and their opposites

  2. part of a region, an object, or a set

  3. a number with a decimal point separating
    the ones from the tenths place

  4. a number having a whole number
    part and a fraction part

whole number
mixed number

Compute. Round to the nearest cent when necessary.

  1. ^12 of $46 2. ^15 of $85 3. ^13 of $6.09 4. ^14 of $8.32

  2. ^34 of $70 6. ^25 of $86 7. ^23 of $21.50 8. ^38 of $16.50

  3. $3.50 3 ^12  10. $5.50 1 ^23  11.$36.75 3 ^34  12. $11.20 1 ^13 

  4. $14.90 2 ^12  14. $11.40 1 ^15  15.$6.65 1 ^34  16. $56^78 

  5. Hiro wants to sell the bicycle he 18. Mary Ann bought a computer
    bought originally for $220 for ^35  marked $950 for ^34 of the price.
    of that price. What is the selling price How much did she pay?
    of the bicycle?

  6. Joni paid $8.75 for a 3^12 -square- 20. John bought a roast that weighed
    foot rug. How much is that per 4 ^12 lb for $12.60. How much
    square foot? is that per pound?

  7. Dennis spent 
    4 of his $18 weekly 22. A $35 dress in a store is marked
    allowance. How much money “
    4 off.” What is the new price of
    does he have left? the dress?

  8. Mr. Bucks has $44,000 to divide among three local charities and five
    international charities. He gives the first local charity 
    2 , the second local
    5 , and the third local charity 

8 of the money. How much money is
left for the international charities? What fractional part of the money is that?

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