6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Solve. Make an organized list to help you.

  1. The nursery has 6 evergreen trees to be
    used in landscaping the park. There are 4
    different areas where the trees can be put.
    In how many ways can the trees be placed
    so that each area has at least one tree?

Visualize yourself in the problem
above as you reread it. List the
facts and the question.
Facts: 6 evergreen trees
4 different areas
Question:In how many ways can the trees be placed
so that each area has at least one tree?

Make an organized list of 4 different park
areas and trees to go into each.
(Make as many combinations as possible
with 6 trees in 4 areas.)

0 2. How many different four-digit numbers
can you make using the digits 0, 1, 2, and 3
if repetition of a digit is not permitted?

0 3. Jason’s dad has a yellow shirt, a pink shirt, and
a blue shirt; a pair of black slacks and a pair of
tan slacks; a pin-striped sport coat and a black
sport coat. How many different three-piece
outfits can he make?

0 4. If you spin each dial once, how many different
combinations of numbers and letters can be made
from spinning a dial marked 4, 7, and 9 and spinning
a dial marked A, B, C, D, and E?

0 5. In a bowling game you have 2 chances to knock down the
10 pins. How many different ways can the pins be knocked
down if with every 2 tries all 10 pins are knocked down?

0 6. How many different three-digit numbers
can you make using the digits 0, 1, and 2
if repetition of digits ispermitted?

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