6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
324 Chapter 9

Tell which method of selecting a sample is used: random,
convenience, orsurvey.Which sample is biased? (See pp. 292–297.)

  1. The first 20 people in 2. Lea tallied the results 3. People in a mall are
    line at a basketball from a questionnaire randomly chosen and
    game were surveyed. that she had distributed. asked questions.

Use the table for exercises 4–6. (See pp. 298–303, 306–307, 314–315.)

  1. Make a cumulative frequency table with 3 intervals.

  2. Find the relative frequency of each interval.

  3. Make a line plot, a stem-and-leaf plot, and
    a histogram for the data set.

Use the table for exercises 7–8. (See pp. 300–301, 304–305.)

  1. Find the mean, median, mode, and range of
    the data set. Tell which measure is most useful
    for describing the data. Explain.

  2. Make a box-and-whisker plot for the data set.

Make a double line graph for this table. (See pp. 310–311, 318–319.)

Use the circle graph for exercises 10–11.

  1. What fractional part of Martha’s monthly budget
    is used for clothing and contributions?

  2. What two parts comprise of Martha’s
    monthly budget?


Lessons 1– 16

Students’ Heights
(in inches)
70 67 62 64 70 63 68
65 62 71 70 60 64 66
63 62 71 63 62 69

81 81 32 81 83
82 88 87 83 82

Math Scores

Frame Making 15 10 10 9 10
Frame Painting 3 11 15 14 7

Weekend 12345

Doris Ann’s Weekend Jobs

(See Still More Practice,p. 527.)


Martha’s Monthly Budget
$16 $40



13.Reword the survey question Should
skateboarders be allowed to
endanger people by doing stunts
on city sidewalks?to remove bias.

  1. Monica has 4 picture stamps: a fish, a
    flag, flowers, and berries. How many
    different ways can Monica arrange her
    4 stamps in a row in her album?

(See pp. 320–323.)

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