6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the original number. Explain the method you used.

  1. 65% of xis 650 2. 90% of ais 765 3. 50% of dis 155

  2. 45% of uis $54 5. 30% of his $18.60 6. 72% of yis $1872

  3. 88% of lis 6600 8. 19% of jis 152 9. 7.1% of bis 142

  4. 83% of zis $2075 11. 65% of pis 451.75 12.21% of gis $10.50

  5. 22% of tis 550 14. 46% of eis 296.7 15.90% of kis 225.36

  6. 12 ^12 % of fis 95 17. 16 ^23 % of cis 776 18. 83 ^13 % of uis 4610

Compare. Use,, 5 , or..

  1. 25% of yis 110.5 20. 4.2% of cis 15.12 21. 62 ^12 % of jis 375

20% of ris 81.6 22.8% of mis 84.36 33 ^13 % of nis 200
y r? c m? j n?

  1. Of the people in the theater, 5%
    have seen the movie before. If there
    are 8 people who have seen the
    movie before, how many people
    have notseen the movie before?

  2. 30% of Howard’s rock collection is
    in a box. The rest of it is on shelves.
    If Howard has 27 rocks in the box,
    how many rocks does he have in
    his collection?

  3. Tracey has saved $56.25. That is
    4.5% of what she wants to save. How
    much does Tracey want to save?
    23. Of the animals at the preserve, 4% are
    babies. If there are 6 baby animals at
    the preserve, how many animals are
    25. 18% of the people at the park brought
    picnic lunches with them. If 9 people
    brought picnic lunches, how many
    people were at the park?
    27. Riley loaned his brother $273. That is
    5.25% of Riley’s savings account. How
    much did Riley have in his account?

Find the original number. Choose the best answer.

  1. 38% of qis 458.66. 29. 19% of vis 106.4.
    A12.07 B 174.2908 F 5.6 G 20.216
    C 1207 D 17,429.08 H 560 J 2021.6

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