6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Measurement VI

Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

3 in.

14 in.

6 in.

13 in.

13 cm

13 cm

3.2 m

8.9 m

20 cm

12 cm

Formulas can be used to find the
perimeter and area of rectangles.

P(2)(2w) Aw
P(214 in.)(23 in.) A14 in.3 in.
P28 in.6 in. A42 sq in.
P34 in. (square inches)

The distance around the The surface covered is
rectangle is 34 in. 42 sq in.

Find the perimeter of each rectangle.Use the perimeter formula.

Find the area of each rectangle.Use the area formula.

      1. 2 yd

6 yd


7 m
2.5 m

Perimeter of Rectangle
P(2 ) (2 w)
length, wwidth

Area of Rectangle
length, wwidth

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